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Emulator Module Compatibility

Discover a comprehensive range of compatible games and modules for the MajorBBS and Worldgroup systems on the MBBSEmu Compatibility Page. Our dedicated contributors tirelessly work to expand the compatibility list, ensuring smooth operation for a vast array of MajorBBS and Worldgroup modules. This page offers detailed information on each module's compatibility status with MBBSEmu, including insights into emulation accuracy and potential issues. Click on any module for in-depth information.

Compatibility Key:

Compatibility Definition
All aspects of the game are playable with no known issues.
Most functionality in the game is playable with minor known issues
Game is playable, known breaking issues with portions of the game
Portions of game are playable, known issues while trying to play
Game is not playable or will not initialize

Major BBS / Worldgroup Module List

Module Name Version Identifier Compatibility Last Updated
Archery 1.4 GWWARROW 11/22/2023
Blademaster 3.26 LOGBM 11/21/2023
Blox! 1.01 SFABLX 11/21/2023
Cross Country Camel 3.00 ELWCAMEL 11/23/2023
Crossroads of the Elements 1.00j HVXROAD 11/21/2023
Cybertank 2.0 INFCT 11/23/2023
DialChat! 2.6 DIALCHAT 11/21/2023
Distant Realms 1.1 CCDDR 11/24/2023
Electronic Fairways 1.0 SFAELF 11/24/2023
Erotica 1.0 WLDERT 11/21/2023
Excalibur! 1.9.2 XCLIBUR 11/21/2023
Farwest Othello 5.13 FW_OTHEL 11/24/2023
Farwest Trivia 2.32a FW_FTRIV 11/21/2023
Fazuul ?.? GALFAZ 11/24/2023
Galactic Empire 3.2 MBMGEMP 11/24/2023
iNfInItY CoMpLeX 6.04 ELWIC 11/24/2023
Kyrandia 7.0 GALKYR 11/24/2023
Lords of Cyberspace 2.12 MUICYBER 11/21/2023
Lunatix 5.3f LUNATIX 11/21/2023
MajorMUD 1.11p WCCMMUD 11/21/2023
Mutants! 3.21b MJWMUT 11/21/2023
Oltima 2000 1.0 TTIOLT 11/24/2023
Phantasia 0.3 EWEPNT 11/24/2023
Quest for Magic ?.? GALQFM 11/24/2023
Ring Masters 4.0 INFRM 11/24/2023
Space Wumpus 1.1 ELWSW 11/24/2023
Swords & Sorcery 1.24 LOGSAS 11/24/2023
Swords of Chaos 4.16 MUICHAOS 11/24/2023
Tele-Arena 5.6c TSGARN 11/21/2023
The Casino 5.10 LOGCAS 11/24/2023
The Forbidden Lands Book I: The City of Falchon 3.12 CPTLANDS 11/24/2023
The Forbidden Lands Book II: The Vale of Grimyre 3.00 CPTGRIM 11/24/2023
The Forbidden Lands Book III: The Islands of Dawn 3.00 CPTDAWN 11/24/2023
The Lost Caverns of Miczyk 3.00 CHRGAME 11/24/2023
The Rose Council of Guardians 3.00 RCIROSE 11/24/2023
Tournament LORD 1.26 RTSLORD 11/21/2023
TradeWars 2002 3.02 HVSTW 11/24/2023
Warlords Of Order And Chaos 1.00.2 NTHORDER 11/24/2023
Wheel of Fame 1.00 MJWWHL 11/24/2023
World Conquest 1.0a CHRCONQ 11/24/2023
Yahtzee! 1.02 SFAYTZ 11/24/2023
Zorgon 1.0 SFAZRG 11/24/2023
mbbsemu/compatibility.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/25 02:00 by enusbaum