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Patreon Archive

Over the course of 2020, MBBSEmu was closed source during early Alpha development and supported by our community through the Patreon Platform. Once MBBSEmu was Open Sourced on GitHub and our community began working on the platform, it no longer felt appropriate to take Patreon contributions for work the community was doing just as much, if not more so, than the project maintainer.

To that end, the Patreon was shut down at the end of 2020. Because Patreon does not allow you to still access news, posts, images, etc. that were posted to the Patreon after it is closed, all posts made to Patreon are no longer accessible.

Because these News Updates and Posts from MBBSEmu on the progress of developing the first MajorBBS/Worldgroup Emulator are important for archival purposes, we have preserved them here on the Wiki.

mbbsemu/history/patreon.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/06 23:41 by