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Tournament LORD (RTSLORD)

Current ISV: Metropolis Gameport

Original ISV: RTSoft


The word LORD is gleaned from (L)egend (O)f the (R)ed (D)ragon. It's a hell of a lot easier to say.

LORD has been around for 7 years now. It has been rated the #1 door game in America countless times, received the coveted (sort of) PCboard Add-On of the year (1995) and has been everybody's all around favorite door for ages.

Why do people like it?

It isn't about a RPG, it is about socializing. It's about being able to bury and marry REAL people. It is simple to learn and fun to play - people are SUPPOSED to have personality - this game lets them do that.

There are hundreds of ways for people to interact, some obvious, some not so obvious. The backbone behind the entire idea is a strong and workable gaming engine. (the downfall of so many LORD clones..)

Why was it ported to WG/MBBS?

The structure of this BBS software is built around multiuser access. LORD was created for the same purpose - but limited in many ways by communicating by the HD - a restriction no longer imposed. This means hundreds of people can be adventuring in the same world at the same time.

This ISN'T an exact port - there *IS* new stuff, including a fully functional chat room with options like 'Challenge another player to a duel' and letting the people in the chat room WATCH them fight and shout encouragements!

You've probably had your callers say “Get LORD”.

Now you can say:

“Why. I have Tournament LORD, it's twenty times better than DOS LORD.”

Screen Shots

Tournament LORD splash screen
Tournament LORD welcome screen
Tournament LORD gameplay



Version Compatibility
The MajorBBS 6.25  APIs used by Tournament LORD are not supported by The MajorBBS!
Worldgroup 1.0  APIs used by Tournament LORD are supported by Worldgroup 1.0!
Worldgroup 2.0  APIs used by Tournament LORD are supported by Worldgroup 2.0!!
MBBSEmu  APIs used by Tournament LORD are supported by MBBSEmu!
modules/rtslord.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/06 23:40 by