Table of Contents
Tournament LORD (RTSLORD)
The word LORD is gleaned from (L)egend (O)f the (R)ed (D)ragon. It's a hell of a lot easier to say.
LORD has been around for 7 years now. It has been rated the #1 door game in America countless times, received the coveted (sort of) PCboard Add-On of the year (1995) and has been everybody's all around favorite door for ages.
Why do people like it?
It isn't about a RPG, it is about socializing. It's about being able to bury and marry REAL people. It is simple to learn and fun to play - people are SUPPOSED to have personality - this game lets them do that.
There are hundreds of ways for people to interact, some obvious, some not so obvious. The backbone behind the entire idea is a strong and workable gaming engine. (the downfall of so many LORD clones..)
Why was it ported to WG/MBBS?
The structure of this BBS software is built around multiuser access. LORD was created for the same purpose - but limited in many ways by communicating by the HD - a restriction no longer imposed. This means hundreds of people can be adventuring in the same world at the same time.
This ISN'T an exact port - there *IS* new stuff, including a fully functional chat room with options like 'Challenge another player to a duel' and letting the people in the chat room WATCH them fight and shout encouragements!
You've probably had your callers say “Get LORD”.
Now you can say:
“Why. I have Tournament LORD, it's twenty times better than DOS LORD.”
Screen Shots
- Tournament LORD v1.26
Version | Compatibility |
The MajorBBS 6.25 | |
Worldgroup 1.0 | |
Worldgroup 2.0 | |