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Quest for Magic (GALQFM)


Quest for Magic is an interactive fiction game written for multi-user computer systems, by Scott Brinker and Tim Stryker, for The Major BBS by Galacticomm. The object of the game is to restore the lost magic of the fantasy world of Peyennuu. This is accomplished by finding the incantations for the many different spells… once you discover a new incantation, just typing it at the '>' prompt invokes it. Some (particularly the weapons) may require that you also specify the object of the spell.

There are also many magical and mystical items throughout the dungeon, although not all of them are helpful (thanks to the Duke of Drajorth, cursed items abound!).

Screen Shots

Quest for Magic intro screen
Quest for Magic help screen



Version Compatibility
The MajorBBS 6.25  APIs used by Quest for Magic are supported by The MajorBBS!
Worldgroup 1.0  APIs used by Quest for Magic are supported by Worldgroup 1.0!
Worldgroup 2.0  APIs used by Quest for Magic are supported by Worldgroup 2.0!
MBBSEmu  APIs used by Quest for Magic are supported by MBBSEmu!
modules/galqfm.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/06 23:40 by