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Ring Masters (INFRM)


Ring Masters pits your users in direct man-to-man competition with others on-line. It is a fast-action boxing simulation where each opponent has unique abilities and advantages.

Ring Masters is easy to play, but not easy to master. Brains as well as brawn determine who will take and hold a title. Each player has certain attributes (strength, agility, ect) and “skill points” to spend to enhance them. And as players move up weight divisions (by moving up in score) they are rewarded with more points.

Tournament style, head-to-head competition and excitement will generate many hours of use, and profit, for your Major BBS system.

Screen Shots



Version Compatibility
The MajorBBS 6.25  APIs used by RingMasters are supported by The MajorBBS!
Worldgroup 1.0  APIs used by RingMasters are supported by Worldgroup 1.0!
Worldgroup 2.0  APIs used by RingMasters are supported by Worldgroup 2.0!
MBBSEmu  APIs used by RingMasters are supported by MBBSEmu!
modules/infrm.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/22 18:17 by enusbaum