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Farwest Othello (FW_OTHEL)

Current ISV: Metro Gameport

Previous ISV: Farwest BBS


The Othello module is a multiplayer implementation of the popular board game (also known as Reversi or Flipper). Othello was Farwest's very first module, written in 1989. Since that time Othello has been praised for its clean interface and stability. Othello now includes a rewritten teleconference style environment complete with action words support, and RIP graphics.

Great features include:

  1. Full teleconference style environment, including action words, and enter/exit messages. Players can talk/whisper among themselves while a game is in progress, and onlookers can watch while a game is being played.
  2. Full mouse driven interface using RIP.
  3. Support for RIP, ANSI (split screen), Non-ANSI, and 40 column screens.
  4. Chess like rating system in addition to the regular high scores.
  5. Optional automatic clearing of the high scores.

Screen Shots

Farwest Othello game play screen
Farwest Welcome screen
Farwest Game info screen



Version Compatibility
The MajorBBS 6.25  APIs used by Farwest Othello are supported by The MajorBBS!
Worldgroup 1.0  APIs used by Farwest Othello are supported by Worldgroup 1.0!
Worldgroup 2.0  APIs used by Farwest Othello are supported by Worldgroup 2.0!
MBBSEmu  APIs used by Farwest Othello are supported by MBBSEmu!
modules/fw_othel.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/06 23:40 by