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The Lost Caverns of Miczyk (CHRGAME)
by CheerSoft
The Lost Caverns of Miczyk is a unique role player/adventure style game for The Major BBS. Games for The Major BBS often become boring very quickly, because they are very stagnant. Our primary objective in creating Lost Caverns is to create a program that allows you and your users to essentially create the game itself.
Because Lost Caverns depends on you and your users to build the game, the amount of usage you receive in the game will be very dependent on how well your users build it. I'd suggest picking someone to be the person in charge of the game and create a forum to support the game.
Ideally someone should try and map your game as its being built. It isn't essential to the game, but a map will result in a more organized and possibly more playable game. It defies logic to travel in a circle yet not end up where you started, but there is nothing in the game to prevent this from occurring. A person could create a room that leads to itself or a room that will lead to the same room whether you exit to the north or south. This ability can make the game quite interesting if it is used in certain situations - but if this is common in your game it will be less playable.
Screen Shots
- The Lost Caverns of Miczyk v1.14
Version | Compatibility |
The MajorBBS 6.25 | |
Worldgroup 1.0 | |
Worldgroup 2.0 | |