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Swords of Chaos - (MUICHAOS)


SoC is a multi-player adventure game. The goal (aside from socializing and having fun) is to hack and slash your way to power. You do this by exploring the realm, amassing treasure and killing monsters.

Screen Shots

Swords of Chaos menu
Swords of Chaos gameplay



Version Compatibility
The MajorBBS 6.25  APIs used by Swords of Chaos are not supported by The MajorBBS!
Worldgroup 1.0  APIs used by Swords of Chaos are supported by Worldgroup 1.0!
Worldgroup 2.0  APIs used by Swords of Chaos are supported by Worldgroup 2.0!
MBBSEmu  APIs used by Swords of Chaos are supported by MBBSEmu!
modules/muichaos.1605582891.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/06 23:38 (external edit)