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How to run MajorMUD with MBBSEmu

The process of installing and running MajorMUD on any platform using MBBSEmu is simple and straight forward. This guide was written to help you get MajorMUD up and running quickly with the default options and settings.

Please see our GitHub Issue Tracker for a full list of known compatibility issues with MajorMUD and MBBSEmu.

1. Download & Install Requirements

First you will need to Download MBBSEmu and the DOS version of MajorMUD 1.11p


Latest Version of MBBSEmu for your selected platform

MajorMUD 1.11p for DOS (MBBSEmu Ready, no installer)

2. Configure MBBSEmu & MajorMUD

Once installed, you will need to configure MBBSEmu properly to run MajorMUD. The process itself is simple, but there are several options you will need to set depending on your environment.

MBBSEmu has one JSON file used to control the application settings within MBBSEmu itself, this file is appsettings.json. Settings and options specified within this file are applied globally within MBBSEmu.

For MajorMUD, we'll need to make a couple additional configuration changes to make MajorMUD work “out of the box”.

The first is that MajorMUD requires users to have the key “PAYING” in order to enter the game. You can either change the MajorMUD configuration in the WCCMMUD.MSG file, or add the key to all users that log into MBBSEmu.

To make the change to MBBSEmu, add “PAYING” to the array of values in appsettings.json for Account.DefaultKeys. It should look like this:

  "Account.DefaultKeys": [

3. Registering MajorMUD on MBBSEmu

Activation Codes for MajorMUD (as with most modules for The MajorBBS) are keyed off your boards unique Registration Number. This number is internally referred to as BTURNO within The MajorBBS. On a traditional MajorBBS instance, Registration Number is generated and stored in plaintext within the GALGSBL.DLL file after you first install The MajorBBS on a new system.

MBBSEmu allows users to specify this number via the appsettings.json file value GSBL.BTURNO. This is an eight digit numeric value that is unique to your board. If your have purchased MajorMUD in the past, you would first populate this value with the registration number from your MajorBBS instance.


"GSBL.BTURNO" : "12345678"

The next step is to enter your Activation Code for MajorMUD. If your have purchased a copy of MajorMUD 1.11p for DOS previously, this is where you will enter your Activation code.

This is done by modifying the ACTIVATE value in the WCCMMUD.MSG file. By default, the value in the file is set to DEMO.


ACTIVATE {DEMO} S 30 Enter your activation code

Replace the value DEMO between the curly braces with your valid MajorMUD Activation Code. For example, if your purchased 256-Node Activation Code provided to you looks like “dlhbdfhjlnp”, then you would change the value in the file as follows:

ACTIVATE {dlhbdfhjlnp} S 30 Enter your activation code

NOTE 1: MajorMUD Activation Codes may contain letters, numbers, and special characters

NOTE 2: MBBSEmu only runs the DOS version of MajorMUD 1.11p, not the WG3NT version. Activation Codes for the WG3NT version will not work on the DOS versions of MajorMUD.

4. Starting MBBSEmu & MajorMUD

There are two methods you can use to run MajorMUD via MBBSEmu.

Command Line Method

The first method is simply via a command line parameter. You would use this option if you're only going to be playing one Module via MBBSEmu. To simply run MajorMUD via the command line:


MBBSEmu -M WCCMMUD -P c:\path\to\majormud\


MBBSEmu -M WCCMMUD -P /home/user/path/to/majormud

Module JSON Method

The second method is using a modules.json file. You would use this method if you wanted to run MajorMUD in addition to other modules within MBBSEmu. The JSON file allows you to specify configuration options for multiple modules.

The example below is for just MajorMUD, but could be added to allowing multiple modules to be easily run.


  "Modules": [
      "Identifier": "WCCMMUD",
      "Path": "c:\\bbsv6\\"
  • Note: The double "\" on the path is required because the character "\" is an escape sequence in JSON


  "Modules": [
      "Identifier": "WCCMMUD",
      "Path": "/home/user/mbbsemu/majormud/"

Once the files are created, you run MBBSEmu telling it to load the Module Options from a JSON file using the “-C” parameter.


MBBSEmu -C c:\path\to\modules.json


MBBSEmu -C /home/user/path/to/modules.json
mbbsemu/howto/majormud.1678462400.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/06 23:41 (external edit)